We the custodians of Irish Astronomy Week (IAW) are committed to protecting children from harm. As many of our events involve children we accept and recognise  our responsibilities to develop awareness of the issues which may cause children  harm in relation to our activities.  

Whilst this Policy is still under construction, we will, in the meantime, endeavour to  safeguard children by:  

  1. Adopting a child protection policy through a Code of Practice.  
  2. Sharing information about child protection and good practice with children,  parents and associates of Irish Astronomy Week.  
  3. Taking all reasonable steps to ensure the welfare and safety of any children  engaged in the many activities taking place nationwide by encouraging parents to  accompany their children.  

We are also committed to reviewing our policy and practice at regular intervals. We  will publicise our policy where possible and publish it on the IAW website.  

Irish Astronomy Week Code of Practice for the Protection of Children  

The IAW committee are holding events during the day and at night. These activities  may involve the IAW members instructing the public in the use of  astronomical equipment. These conditions pose their own problems but some  guidelines to be used are as follows:  

  1. Ensure that the children are with a responsible adult, preferably their parents at all  times. We will encourage children and their parents to stay together.  
  2. Endeavour to share displays and /or telescopes in pairs to protect and assist each  other.  
  3. Avoid physical contact with a child at all times. Use step ladders or request the  parent to allow the child access to the telescope eyepieces, for example. Where  possible when using telescopes or binoculars, set the tripod to “child height”.  
  4. Avoid being on your own with a child during any event, always encourage the  parents or accompanying adult to stay with and watch the child.  
  5. Never behave in such a way that is threatening, abusive or upsetting to a child  
  6. If any participant in Irish Astronomy week is alerted to an incident, the incident  must be reported immediately, or as soon as is possible, to any member of the IAW  committee or whoever is coordinator of the event on site. 
  7. If a problem occurs, this IAW member is requested to bring it to the attention of  the full committee immediately. If necessary, on the opinion of the committee they  will refer the allegation to the appropriate authorities (Garda, Social Services etc.)  
  8. If you have any further queries or questions, please contact us at  info@irishastronomyweek.ie

The use of Photographic Images  

Where possible we will seek the consent of parents or adults where images of  children are to be taken and possibly used in publications. The IAW Committee will  use best endeavours to ensure that no improper images are taken at any time.  

Child Protection Policy 11/02/2023 Copyright of the Irish Astronomy Week